Side-Swept Braid

What You'll Need:

Start by using a large-barrel curling iron to curl each piece. Make sure to curl your hair from the bottom up and away from your face.

As your curls are cooling, start to twist and pull on them to loosen them up a bit to create that wavy New York City feel.

Next, create a side part with a comb to get your hair ready to braid.

Pump a small amount of your All-in-One Styling Balm in your hands and start working it into a 2-inch section toward the front of your hair.

Now, separate your hair into three pieces and begin to braid them together. As you braid, add in a new piece of hair from the sides to make it a French braid.

As your braid starts to reach the side of your head, begin to only take hair from the top of your head to get that cascade look.

Once your braid starts to reach the back of your head, just braid the rest regularly and secure with an elastic.

To finish off your style, just lift a section of your hair in the back and pin your braid underneath it. This hides the hairpin to give the look a more professional feel.